Sunday, April 6, 2008


Two from today (yesterday? I'm up late) making it three in total. The first one is a simple compositional exercise but this second one is kind of neat to me. It's taken pretty much at the dead center of what I would consider Vancouver, Main Street and Terminal Street. It seems so odd to find such an expanse at the heart of a city where every square meter seems to be being developed for housing or some sort of Olympic affair. It has the same effect as a grassy plateau that appeared once when I was mountain biking in Moab. Amongst the red rocky terrain with steep brutal climbs and mesas off in the distance, as I crested the climb I was greeted with a completely out of place meadow. It was like stepping through the looking glass into another world. That's how this part of Vancouver feels, desolate and abandoned in the heart of highly coveted or feverishly gripped space. It's a relief to stand there, to feel free of the city while standing at its center.

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