Monday, January 19, 2009


So often it's not about the light but about the absence of light. Is it possible to take photographs of the voids?

And trees. I've taken these pictures before, some seven years ago even. Perhaps I will see if I can find them.

I've been in a funk lately. I might have been looking forward to the excuse of oppressive and incessant Vancouver rain but it's been sunny more often than not. The snow at Christmas stuck around for the better part of two weeks because of the lack of rain. There's still hints of it along many side streets, snow banks clinging to curbs.

Is there an equivalent to writer's block for photographers?

The last time I took a photo every day it seemed to sap my energy from time to time. Is the same happening now?

I don't know. But in the mean time Jennilee Marigomen is a good way to spend some time. And maybe I'll find a photograph today. Or maybe not.

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