Friday, April 1, 2011


I got 4 rolls of film back from the lab today. Some hundred or so shots. I'm amazed at how dusty that shit is. A quick swipe of the negatives and the scanner bed before each cycle of scanning seems completely ineffective. And there's a weight upon film that may or may not be justified but at the very least makes most of my photographs overthought, overwrought, mediocre at best.

But interestingly there's a whole section of photographs where my daughter must have picked up my camera and pointed it rather randomly at blurry things, or things made blurry if I'm going to be accurate about this. That was good. And this photo of Sophie-Monster makes me happy. Not a bad way to spend $20.

More photos to come. I'm pretty sure I can rationalize the artistic intent of at least two more photos. Warranted or otherwise...

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