Monday, June 10, 2024

JFK (or near enough)

 Laurent Malone and Dennis Adams set out one morning on a walk from downtown Manhattan, across the Williamsburg Bridge, and ended up at  JFK Airport. They shared a camera. At any time one could use the camera to take a photograph and the other would have to take a photograph in the opposite direction. Monique and I did this today. Not in NY. Not to an airport. We went for donuts. But we took a camera and took photographs in the spirit of JFK. I own that book. It's lovely, clad in rubber, and no text. Here's the photographs we took. 

I won't go back and identify who took what though the last two are pretty obvious. Just know that every other photograph was in the opposite direction of the one before it, in pairs. Sometimes I went first. Sometimes Monique went first. There we are. 

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