Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Telephone Poles and Trees

The idea of naming photographs, giving them titles, seems off to me. Like "Evolution" or "The Natural and the Constructed" or "Two Against One" or "Selection: Natural" or so many other things. The file name for this image on my hard drive is "Phone Poles and Trees." That's how I usually name these things; straightforward and honestly. This is a photo of telephone poles and trees. It's not about an abstraction of ideals represented by a tree being distorted by distorted/subverted trees. It's not about the absurdity of process that requires contorting nature to protect infrastructure when a breeze through branches won't damage a power line but when the serious winds arrive that tree is going to fall over and take out those lines in a heart beat. If one were to romanticize it all one might create a narrative where the tree longs to be straight and tall and proud like the phone poles, or maybe the phone poles, by nature of their conformity to a standard, outnumber the tree which is organic and natural and there is a tension between the conformed majority and the marginalized but free individual, the individual oppressed and compromised.

It's easy to project meaning onto the meaningless. But I didn't take a photograph of "Telephone Poles and Trees."

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