Wednesday, February 18, 2009


They come as a swarm, literally hundreds of them, heading to the lake just blocks away from the house. It really is quite eerie.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Santa says...

Not much to say these days. I have a new camera arriving early next week, a little point and shoot but of a higher quality than most. At least I hope it is. Should be interesting to see how it affects what I'm taking pictures of.

Listening to Eric's Trip, Behind the Garage. It's an old one. I've been listening to a lot of older music these days. My days of walking into BeatRoute contributor meetings and walking out with a fist full of new indie music have dried up but two years of that means all the old stuff I have and neglected to listen to sounds new again. Oh yeah, and I still have your Smashing Pumpkins CD, if you ever want it back...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Monday with Sophie

I've meant to do a "day in the life of" series with Sophie for a while now. Today we did it. You can view the whole thing here as a slide show but I should warn you it's the kind of thing that may be more interesting to relatives. There's a lot of pictures there, a days worth I guess, but at least I'm not holding you captive as I get out the wallet full of photographs. We had a good day today. She walks a lot for a kid just over 2. And I could take a photograph of her eating breakfast every day for a week and you'd more often than not see her eating French toast. She's a good kid.